Beauty Haul and Cover Girl Ready Set Gorgeous Review

[youtube] This is my Beauty Haul, which features the following products.  Be sure to subscribe to my blog and my YouTube Channel. Cover Girl Ready Set Gorgeous foundation, Demo and Review in the video above.  I love it!  I beat other high end foundations I’ve reviewed on YouTube recently. manic panic blue angel manic…

Feria Smokey Pastels Smokey Blue Fail

[youtube] When I finally decided on a Feria Smokey Pastels color, Smokey Blue, I was so very disappointed that, like all Feria Boxed colors, it did not deliver.  I was given this deep bold blue, not the silvery pastel blue shown on the box.  Each and every time I have tried Feria boxed hair…

May I? May Mags

Jennifer Lopez serves up some blank model gaze on the cover of W Magazine’s May issue, with an illegible “One & Only” title matching the logo in pastel rainbow gradation. She wears a black bra beneath a  white lace buttonup and an open-front black cardigan with white trip.  The makeup is a nude lip, subtly…

Anti-Frizz Flat Iron in a Jar: Butter Whip Coil Cream

This should be called flat iron in a jar!  The claims are definitely not exaggerated.  I put this on my hair just to try it out…I condition every time I wash my hair, so I’m always putting conditioner on and leaving it in.  It wasn’t until before going to bed I did a double take…

They Do Exist: Feria Permanent Pastel Hair Dyes

In  a recent post, I talked about Feria’s launching Permanent Pastel Hair Dyes, and then read the photos and retracted my statement.  Surprise, surprise, there is such a thing.  It’s called Feria Smokey Pastels Hair Color, and P2 Smokey Pink is the runway trendy color en vogue.  Partnered with P1 Smokey Blue, what with Pantone naming…

Fashion Rebel: American Gypsy 

  Gypsy Personified: as I am an American Gypsy, I was inspired by New Age & Occult Symbolism, referencing the pop culture notion of the Gypsy. Tools of divination in my outfit: Ouija Planchett Necklace, Ouija & Palm Reader Tank Top, Crystal Ball Necklace, contrasted by the whimsy of the pastel goth inspiration, ring pop ring,…

How I Bleach and Tone My Hair:

[youtube] I do the bleaching process in 2 days, using L’Oreal 30vol Developer and either Quick Blue Bleach Powder for on-scalp or Super Oreal Blanc for off-scalp. To tone I use Wella T18 and a 20vol cream developer, leaving it on for 30min. I do the bleaching process in two days, then wait a…

Toxic Beauty: Ugly Truth

   We associate beauty with youth, health, clear skin, and shiny long hair, but can the chemicals in your beauty & household products cause cancer & disease, premature aging, and worse, poison and negatively impact your health?   Just because it’s sold in stores, online, or is produced by big name companies, consumers feel the…

Curly Hair: Advice from Life Experience 

   Curly hair brings up memories of babies, the idea of Cupid…and for those with curls, frizz, humidity, & nappyness.  Before the dawning of the age of the flatiron, curlers predated the blow dryer as the go-to, and then there was the hair steamer.  Kids these days won’t understand how much I would’ve appreciated knowledge…