Blackheads: Pore Strips Vs. Pore Tool

I have been breaking out and thus did masks and gave myself facials.  I bought some pore strips and was surprised to see it come off absolutely clean, except for the residue of the strip itself.  I was waiting for the horror like you see in YouTube videos, and couldn’t decide if I was pleased…

Nights In White [Silk]

I’ve long been a fan of satin sheets and pillowcases, and have very recently switched to Silk. It feels very cool, soft, sleek…luxurious, and is great for your skin and hair. Once, I had friends try to have sex on my satin sheets…luckily I caught those fuckers in the act. Bitch, how dare you disrespect…

Toxic Beauty: Ugly Truth

   We associate beauty with youth, health, clear skin, and shiny long hair, but can the chemicals in your beauty & household products cause cancer & disease, premature aging, and worse, poison and negatively impact your health?   Just because it’s sold in stores, online, or is produced by big name companies, consumers feel the…

Natural Beauty Miracle Ingredient Discovered

…and I’ll never tell …unless you want to partner on a skincare product line. I recently decided to be the Guinea Pig and test something on my face…that instinct proved right! The skin plumped up instantly, fine lines reduced, the under-eye area appeared lifted and smooth!  None of my eye creams or skin-care oroducts do…

I scream, you scream…Eyecream!

Like a face serum, eye creams and gels provide a punch of ingredients and moisture.  You should apply eye cream before bed and under your makeup but on top of your moisturizer and serum.   (Photo: Marie Claire) Eye Creams & Gels I’ve used Peter Thomas Roth Gel: peptides,  Benefit Eyecon: targets dark circles and fine…

Bi-Coastal Skincare Regimine

I previously posted on my seasonal skincare and makeup  switch ups, but can being on one coast or another affect your skin differently? Yes! California’s dry air and difference in climate contrasts south Florida’s humid muggy air.   Since returning to Miami, I’ve had to switch from gentler cleansers and washing my face once a…

Clear Skin Face and Body

I have used many different products throughout the years I have tried things from drugstore brands to more of the higher end product lines at Sephora. From Neutrogena to Peter Thomas Roth- i’ve tried it all and will share my insight on getting clear skin. Know your skin: depending on your skin type your regimen…