SkinLuma Results Before and After

SkinLuma has some creative solutions to issues such as acne, dark spots, and discoloration from skin problems like melasma In addition to offering traditional anti-aging and skincare staples such as their Retinol50 SeruGel (slick but not greasy and fast absorbing) and MoistuSilc Ultra (oily) serums. The Young range includes BlemErase, a 2% salicylic pen touch…

YoDerm Online Dermatology

[youtube] The thought of online consultations with any type of doctor brings Lisa Kudrow in Web Therapy to mind: I was contacted by YoDerm ($10 off, click here) and asked if I’d like to review their online dermatology service (this is not sponsored).  For $59, you are consulted by a dermatologist who reviews your…