Menswear Fantasy: Dyson’s Wardrobe

I really fantasize about having Dyson’s wardrobe from Lost Girl…the waistcoats, vests, jackets. 😍  Can’t we live in a  world where period-piece meets goth influences are the norm?  Can I at least? I seriously so badly want his looks that I am going to make my own waistcoats and vests.  I’m going to construct a…

Wine Matchmaker, Diet Safe Cocktails- Get Your Drink On And Still Lose Weight

[youtube] We all love to drink, but don’t overdo it because you will gain weight.  Wine can actually have health benefits. According to an article in Cosmopolitan, ” New research found that wine (seriously, wine!) can help keep your weight in check. … about a glass a day, tops—has some awesome perks. …nearly 20,000 normal-weight…

New Year: Lifestyle Revamp- Style, Fitness, & Beauty

For the new year, you and I are going to revamp our style, whip our butts into shape, and beautify with hair and make-up make-overs! Big changes are coming in fashion and beauty, and I have my very own fitness and beauty routines to share with you. Fashion & Style: We’re going to enjoy the…