Racist Beauty: Hiding the Real Natural You

“Mom, what happened to your hair?,” I exclaimed.  She stood before me, and I assumed she had gotten a perm or some sort of hair treatment, but the truth was…I had never seen my mother’s natural hair texture until the end of my twenties!  [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBH6qzXCk6o] We often will see a video of a black…

Anti-Frizz Flat Iron in a Jar: Butter Whip Coil Cream

This should be called flat iron in a jar!  The claims are definitely not exaggerated.  I put this on my hair just to try it out…I condition every time I wash my hair, so I’m always putting conditioner on and leaving it in.  It wasn’t until before going to bed I did a double take…