What the Literal Fuck? Models Have Sex in Eckhaus Latta Ad Campaign

Certain taboos seem outmoded- Free the damn nipple people, they’re baby bottles for Christ’s sake. Nudity? Not a major issue if it’s artful- I think America is a bit too conservative in regards to nudity and sexuality.  Hardcore pornography, censored or not- we can still see the D- may be a different case. I’m not sure what the demographic and target market…or channels of distribution, are for the Eckhaus Latta Ad Campaign in which models have the sex (…like for realsies people) in full page color pixelated yet very graphic ads.
I am a broken record in stating that art is something that moves you- provokes a response. In terms of nudity and sex in art, I think there is a sort of fine line with arousal that defies whether something is more pornographic than creative. In melding the advertising, marketing, and pornographic worlds, we see a shift into this pseudo-artistic realm, undoubtedly a new venture for advertising. Companies willing to risk the bad PR will likely soon experiment with this aggressive “sex sells” approach. Of course this is another example of the use of shock value, one of many recent fashion publicity stunts, meant to upsurge word of mouth.

What do you think? Is this gross, sexy, ok, or wrong? What is your opinion about sex in art or advertising?

(Photos: WMagazine.com)

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